Roots Behavioral Health

Have you ever wondered how to achieve optimal mental well-being? Look no further than Roots Behavioral Health. Combining innovative treatment approaches with a warm and welcoming environment, Roots Behavioral Health is dedicated to helping individuals navigate their mental health journeys. With a team of compassionate and experienced professionals, they are committed to providing personalized care and empowering individuals to uncover their inner strengths. Discover a place where growth, healing, and self-discovery take root – welcome to Roots Behavioral Health.

Roots Behavioral Health

Table of Contents

What is Roots Behavioral Health?

Definition and Overview

Roots Behavioral Health is a leading mental health treatment center that is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care to individuals, couples, and families. It is a safe and nurturing environment where you can find support, guidance, and understanding as you navigate through your mental health journey.

Services Offered

At Roots Behavioral Health, a wide range of services are offered to meet your unique needs. These services include individual therapy, group therapy, couples and family therapy, psychiatric evaluations, medication management, intensive outpatient programs, relapse prevention, and aftercare. Additionally, they provide holistic and alternative therapies to address the mind, body, and spirit connection, ensuring a well-rounded approach to your mental health.

Mission and Values

Roots Behavioral Health is guided by a strong mission and set of values that drive their approach to mental health treatment. Their mission is to empower individuals and families to overcome mental health challenges and achieve optimal well-being. They are committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based care while promoting growth, resilience, and hope. Integrity, respect, and collaboration are at the core of their values, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care.

Why Choose Roots Behavioral Health?

Experienced and Qualified Staff

One of the key reasons to choose Roots Behavioral Health is their team of experienced and qualified staff. The clinicians and therapists have extensive training and expertise in various areas of mental health treatment. They are committed to ongoing professional development and stay updated on the latest advances in the field. You can trust that you will be in the hands of skilled professionals who are dedicated to supporting your mental health journey.

Integrated Approach to Mental Health

Roots Behavioral Health follows an integrated approach to mental health treatment. They understand that mental health is interconnected with various aspects of your life, including your physical health, relationships, and environment. Their treatment plans address the whole person, taking into consideration all these factors. By addressing the underlying causes and providing a holistic approach, they ensure that you receive comprehensive care that leads to lasting change.

Client-Centered Care

At Roots Behavioral Health, you are at the center of your treatment. They believe in creating a safe and non-judgmental space where you feel heard, valued, and respected. Their team takes the time to understand your unique needs, goals, and challenges, and tailors their approach accordingly. By placing you at the forefront of your care, they empower you to actively participate in your treatment and make informed decisions about your mental health.

Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities

When you choose Roots Behavioral Health, you can be confident that you will receive evidence-based treatment modalities. They utilize approaches that have been scientifically proven to be effective in treating various mental health conditions. These treatment modalities may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), trauma-informed care, and many more. By implementing these evidence-based approaches, they offer you the best chance for long-term recovery and well-being.

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Flexible and Personalized Treatment Plans

Roots Behavioral Health understands that everyone’s journey towards mental health is unique. Therefore, they offer flexible and personalized treatment plans. Your treatment plan will be tailored to address your specific needs, goals, and preferences. They will collaborate with you to ensure that the treatment path is aligned with your comfort level and aligns with your values. As you progress, they will continuously reevaluate and adapt the treatment plan to ensure it remains effective and relevant.

Services Provided by Roots Behavioral Health

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a cornerstone of mental health treatment at Roots Behavioral Health. In one-on-one sessions, you will work closely with a qualified therapist who will provide a supportive and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Individual therapy allows for personalized attention and guidance, focusing on your unique challenges and goals.

Group Therapy

Group therapy offers a valuable opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar struggles. Led by a skilled therapist, group therapy provides a supportive environment where you can share your experiences, gain insights, and learn from others. It promotes a sense of belonging, reduces feelings of isolation, and fosters a supportive community.

Couples and Family Therapy

Roots Behavioral Health recognizes the importance of relationships in mental health. Through couples and family therapy, they work with couples and families to address relationship issues, improve communication, and strengthen bonds. Therapists provide a safe and unbiased space for all members to express their thoughts and feelings, facilitating healing and growth within the relationship unit.

Psychiatric Evaluations and Medication Management

For individuals who may benefit from medication as part of their treatment, Roots Behavioral Health offers comprehensive psychiatric evaluations and medication management. Their team of psychiatrists and nurse practitioners specialize in mental health medication and will work closely with you to determine the most appropriate medication and dosage, monitor its effectiveness, and make any adjustments as needed.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Roots Behavioral Health offers intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) for individuals who require a higher level of care than traditional outpatient therapy. IOPs provide a structured and intensive treatment setting while allowing you to maintain your daily routines and responsibilities. Through a combination of individual and group therapy, psychoeducation, and skill-building, IOPs provide a comprehensive treatment approach.

Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

To support you beyond the completion of your primary treatment, Roots Behavioral Health provides relapse prevention and aftercare services. These services are designed to help you maintain your progress and navigate potential challenges in your recovery journey. They may include ongoing therapy, support groups, relapse prevention planning, and additional resources to help you achieve long-term success.

Holistic and Alternative Therapies

Roots Behavioral Health recognizes that mental health is influenced by various factors, including physical health, nutrition, and lifestyle. That’s why they offer holistic and alternative therapies as part of their treatment approach. These therapies may include yoga, meditation, art therapy, equine-assisted therapy, and more. Through these complementary approaches, they aim to address the mind-body connection and support your overall well-being.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Individuals who experience co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders require specialized care. Roots Behavioral Health is equipped to provide dual diagnosis treatment, addressing both conditions simultaneously. Their integrated approach ensures that both the mental health and substance abuse aspects are addressed effectively, promoting lasting recovery and wellness.

Targeted Populations


Roots Behavioral Health offers services for adults who are struggling with mental health challenges. Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, or any other mental health condition, their experienced therapists will provide the support and guidance you need to overcome these challenges and lead a fulfilling life.


Adolescence can be a challenging time, and mental health issues often arise during this period of life. Roots Behavioral Health offers specialized treatment for adolescents, providing a safe and understanding environment where they can navigate their unique challenges. Their therapists are trained to work with young people, addressing issues such as self-esteem, peer pressure, identity, and emotional regulation.


Roots Behavioral Health also provides mental health services for children. They understand the unique needs of young children, and their therapists utilize age-appropriate techniques to help children express themselves and develop healthy coping strategies. From anxiety and behavioral issues to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism, they offer support for a wide range of childhood mental health conditions.

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Couples can face various challenges in their relationships, including communication issues, conflict, infidelity, and more. Roots Behavioral Health offers couples therapy to help navigate these challenges and foster healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Their therapists provide a neutral and supportive space, helping couples reconnect, rebuild trust, and develop stronger bonds.


Family dynamics can significantly impact individuals’ mental health. Whether you are dealing with conflict within the family, dealing with a loved one’s mental illness, or experiencing a major transition, Roots Behavioral Health’s family therapy is designed to address these complex dynamics. The therapists work collaboratively with family members to promote understanding, open communication, and heal wounds within the family unit.

Treatment Approach at Roots Behavioral Health

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely recognized and effective form of therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. It helps you develop healthier and more adaptive ways of thinking and responding to situations. By addressing the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, CBT empowers you to overcome challenges and achieve positive change.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a specialized form of therapy that is effective in treating individuals with emotional regulation difficulties, self-destructive behaviors, or borderline personality disorder (BPD). It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices, teaching you skills to manage emotions, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Motivational interviewing is a collaborative and goal-oriented approach that helps individuals explore and resolve ambivalence about making changes. It aims to enhance motivation and increase readiness for change. By guiding you through a process of self-reflection and exploration, MI helps you identify and overcome barriers to change, leading to sustained motivation and progress.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is a practice that combines mindfulness meditation, gentle yoga, and practical tools to reduce stress and increase overall well-being. By developing awareness of the present moment and cultivating acceptance, MBSR helps you manage stressors more effectively and develop a greater sense of calm and contentment.

Trauma-Informed Care

Roots Behavioral Health recognizes the impact of trauma on mental health and provides trauma-informed care to support individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma-informed care ensures that the treatment environment is safe, empowering, and supportive. Therapists are trained to understand the effects of trauma and provide interventions that promote healing and resilience.

Person-Centered Therapy

Person-centered therapy, also known as client-centered therapy, emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship and focuses on your unique experiences, needs, and goals. The therapist provides an empathetic and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, guiding you towards self-discovery and personal growth.

Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-focused therapy is a goal-oriented approach that shifts the focus towards solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Therapists at Roots Behavioral Health help you identify your strengths, resources, and past successes to develop effective strategies for overcoming challenges. This approach is empowering and helps you make progress towards your desired outcomes.

Family Systems Therapy

Family systems therapy views the family unit as an interconnected system, where issues in one member affect the entire family. Therapists work with the entire family to address communication patterns, dynamics, and conflicts, fostering healthier relationships and promoting overall family well-being.

Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment

For individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders, Roots Behavioral Health provides integrated dual diagnosis treatment. This approach addresses both conditions simultaneously, recognizing the interconnected nature of mental health and substance abuse. Through comprehensive and personalized care, they support individuals in achieving lasting recovery.

Insurance and Payment Options

Accepted Insurance Providers

Roots Behavioral Health accepts various insurance providers to make quality mental health care accessible to as many individuals as possible. They work with major insurance companies, including private insurances and Medicaid, to ensure that you receive the treatment you need without significant financial burden.

Private Pay Options

For individuals who prefer to pay out-of-pocket, Roots Behavioral Health offers private pay options. These options allow you to access their services without going through insurance. By choosing private pay, you have flexibility and control over your treatment without the constraints of insurance requirements.

Payment Plans

Roots Behavioral Health understands that financial constraints can be a barrier to accessing mental health care. To alleviate this burden, they offer flexible payment plans. These payment plans allow you to spread out the cost of treatment over time, making it more manageable and accessible.

Financial Assistance Programs

Roots Behavioral Health is committed to ensuring that everyone can access the care they need, regardless of financial circumstances. They offer financial assistance programs for individuals who demonstrate financial need. These programs can help reduce the cost of treatment or provide assistance in navigating insurance coverage options.

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Verification of Benefits

Before starting treatment, Roots Behavioral Health helps you navigate the insurance landscape by providing verification of benefits. This process involves contacting your insurance provider to determine the specifics of your coverage, including deductibles, copayments, and limitations. By understanding your insurance coverage, you can make informed decisions about your treatment and financial responsibilities.

Facilities and Locations

Facility Amenities

Roots Behavioral Health is committed to providing a comfortable and healing environment for their clients. Their facilities offer a range of amenities designed to enhance your overall experience. From cozy waiting areas to private therapy rooms, their facilities are designed with your comfort and well-being in mind.

Comfortable and Inviting Environment

When you walk through the doors of Roots Behavioral Health, you will be greeted by a comfortable and inviting environment. The facilities are thoughtfully designed to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, promoting relaxation and peace of mind. The goal is to ensure that you feel safe and at ease as you embark on your mental health journey.

Convenient Locations

Roots Behavioral Health understands the importance of accessible and convenient locations. They have multiple locations strategically placed in communities to ensure that their services are easily accessible to clients. By choosing Roots Behavioral Health, you can receive treatment close to home or at a location that is most convenient for you.

Parking and Accessibility

Parking and accessibility are essential considerations when seeking mental health treatment. Roots Behavioral Health provides ample parking at their locations, ensuring ease of access for clients. Additionally, their facilities are designed to be wheelchair accessible, making their services accessible to individuals with physical disabilities.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Client Success Stories

Roots Behavioral Health takes pride in the positive outcomes experienced by their clients. Through their compassionate and evidence-based care, many individuals have transformed their lives and achieved optimal mental health. Client success stories serve as a testament to the effectiveness of their treatment approach and the dedication of their team.

Reviews and Testimonials

Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the experiences of individuals who have sought treatment at Roots Behavioral Health. These testimonials highlight the personal growth, improved relationships, and overall well-being individuals have gained as a result of their treatment. Reading these reviews can give you confidence in the quality of care you will receive.

Real-Life Examples of Positive Outcomes

Roots Behavioral Health can share real-life examples of positive outcomes from individuals who have sought treatment at their center. These examples can illustrate the transformation that is possible through their comprehensive and personalized care. By showcasing success stories, they can inspire hope and instill confidence in individuals seeking mental health treatment.

How to Get Started with Roots Behavioral Health

Contacting Roots Behavioral Health

To get started with Roots Behavioral Health, simply reach out to their team of caring professionals. You can contact them via phone or email, and they will guide you through the process of scheduling an initial consultation.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

Once you have reached out, you will schedule an initial consultation and assessment. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to share your concerns, goals, and treatment preferences. The therapist will conduct a comprehensive assessment to gain a deeper understanding of your unique needs and develop an initial treatment plan.

Developing a Personalized Treatment Plan

Following the initial consultation, Roots Behavioral Health will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This treatment plan will outline the recommended services and interventions best suited to address your challenges and align with your goals. The team will work closely with you to ensure that the treatment plan is comprehensive, flexible, and aligned with your comfort level.

Community Involvement and Education

Community Outreach Programs

Roots Behavioral Health is actively involved in community outreach programs. They recognize the importance of mental health education and awareness in the community and strive to make a positive impact beyond their treatment center. Through community outreach programs, they aim to promote mental health education, reduce stigma, and provide resources to individuals who may not have access to formal treatment.

Educational Workshops and Seminars

Roots Behavioral Health offers educational workshops and seminars to the community. These workshops cover various mental health topics, providing valuable information, strategies, and tools for individuals and families. Through these educational initiatives, they empower individuals to take ownership of their mental health and make informed decisions about their well-being.

Partnerships with Local Organizations

Roots Behavioral Health believes in the power of collaboration and partnerships. They actively seek partnerships with local organizations that share their mission and values. By working together, they can expand their reach, address community needs more comprehensively, and provide a network of support for individuals seeking mental health services.

In conclusion, Roots Behavioral Health is a leading mental health treatment center that offers a wide range of services for individuals, couples, and families. With an experienced and qualified staff, an integrated approach to mental health, client-centered care, evidence-based treatment modalities, flexible and personalized treatment plans, and a commitment to community involvement and education, Roots Behavioral Health is dedicated to empowering individuals and families to overcome mental health challenges and achieve optimal well-being. Whether you are an adult, adolescent, child, couple, or family, Roots Behavioral Health provides compassionate and effective care to support you on your mental health journey. Contact them today to get started on your path to healing and growth.